
The C-Prime Programming Language ( C' ) / News: Recent posts

C-Prime is alive and well.

We are slow but active. The first objective on our list is adding regular expressions to the preprocessor. Our current challenges are finishing the regexp implementation and making it play nice with #define. Upon completion of the regexp implementation, we will post the source ... and as soon as we get a working schedule, we may actually start posting snapshots.

Posted by Jamie Scully 2003-07-12

C-Prime specifications overhauled, again

CPrime's core additions have once again been re-thought and reviewed, for the better (After attempting several programs and comparing their results, its current state is unfit to work with, considering the syntactical debugging nightmares we faced. We now have a much smaller and simpler set of ideas to implement, and a good starting point for them all. The most important change is that we have a very small # of changes that add a maximum of difference to the language's productivity, readability, and overall pleasure in use.
The new additions will be up in two days.

Posted by Jamie Scully 2003-05-26

CPrime under wraps for the month

Task scheduling will commence at the end of May: (We're hoping to set aside all other projects, and finish spring classes). However the website should be brought up to speed today by Rembion. We may be looking for two or three more members to help see this project through to the bitter end: such information will be decided upon at the end of the short postponement period.

Posted by Jamie Scully 2003-05-04

The Start

Today we begin developing and implementing a new programming language. There are a few details still left to be ironed out, but the majority is complete enough to permit development of the compiler. You can expect the task list, forum, rough-draft-website, and details on C', who we are, who we need, as well as what we're doing to be up within 8 days. We hope to be at a good pace of progress by then.

Posted by Jamie Scully 2003-04-12