Jamie Scully - 2003-05-14

I just remembered that I wanted to keep this as simple as possible, so I'm probably going to throw out as many extra keywords as possible, to make sure the syntax stays true to C.

function objects : keep
namespace aliasing: keep (this is actually a side-effect of utilizing functions as objects. No, that doesn't mean they take up more space in memory.)
bit array access: MIGHT be put on chopping block
foreach : extra functionality might be put on chopping block.
suspend/yield: hmmm
operator overloading: KEEP
aesthetic bracketing conventions: KEEP
weaker typing: KEEP
Pre-Compiler RegExp's: KEEP
anonymous and inner functions: KEEP (with restrictions)
And for the compiler:
Optimized, easy to understand WYSIWYG memory-system: KEEP!!
(for those who love to play with pointers, unions, and structs)