
CppUnit - C++ port of JUnit / News: Recent posts

Source Repository migrated to subversion

The CVS source repository has finally been converted to subversion.

The trunk sources can be retrieved using:

svn co cppunit.

A tarball of the old CVS repository is available in the "SVN Migration Archive" folder in the download section.

Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2009-11-22

CppUnit release 1.12.0

The following features have been added since release 1.10.2: support for Embedded Visual C++ 4, new _MESSAGE assertion variant for all assertions, correct display of double values in assertion messages, support for jumping to failed assertion in MFCTestRunner with Visual Studio 2002 & 2003, and some general portability improvements (mingw, cygwin, mac os x...).


Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2006-06-30

CppUnit development snapshot 1.11.6 available

This release is along the line of a release candidate for 1.12.0 (hopefully the last one).

Addition since 1.11.4:
- Qt TestRunner has been upgaded to support Qt 3.x.
- pkg-config file is generated on unix.
- no more deprecation warning with Visual Studio 2005.


Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2006-03-05

CppUnit development snapshot 1.11.0 available

This release is along the line of a release candidate for 1.12.0.

In short:
- support support of Embedded Visual C++ 4
- integration of the MFCTestRunner with VS.NET.
- *_MESSAGE macros for most assertions
- fixed some platform specific compilation issues
- new contrib with a xslt to convert xml output to junit format
- many small enhancement/bug fixes


Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2005-07-19

New mailing list to track CVS commits

The cppunit-cvs mailing list have been set up to easily keep track of cvs commits.


Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2004-11-19

CppUnit 2 features unveiled

I finally took the time to write down my vision of CppUnit 2.

Documents detailing the features can be found at:

Feedback are welcome,

Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2004-11-16

CppUnit release 1.10.2

This release contains many bug and compilations issue fixes, including a severe one on VC++ 6 caused by a STL bug.


Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2004-06-18

CppUnit release 1.10.0

Same as release 1.9.14, just officializing it as a stable version.


Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2004-06-17

CppUnit development snapshot 1.9.14 available

In short:
- new assertion macros to test exception
- some bug fixes


Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2004-03-13

CppUnit development snapshot 1.9.12 available

All development snapshots have been moved from the web page to sourceforge download page for better visibility and easier access.

If no issue araise, this will be the official 1.9.10 release.

In short:
- Test plug-in support for system unix libdld (hp-ux)
- rtti name demangling with gcc 3.x abi api
- many bug & compilation issue fixes

Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2004-02-20

CppUnit 2 development progress

CppUnit 2 development is progressing. Source are available on cvs.

Check out the wiki page:


Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2004-01-31

CppUnit development snapshot 1.9.10 available

New development snapshot available at:

In short:
- Major portability improvement
- Protector
- HelperMacros
- MFC TestRunner bug fixes
- Failure diagnostic
- Asserter

Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2002-08-31

CppUnit development snapshot 1.9.8 available

New development snapshot available at:

In short:
- New custom test macros for fixture suite
- Exception message are now structured
- Added detail field to MFC TestRunner
- New XmlDocument class to easily create new XML output format
- XmlOutputter customization
- Test plug-in XMLOutputter hook
- ClockerPlugIn example includes test time in XML output
- DllPlugInTester allows test plug-in to hook the XmlOutputter
- Configurable CompilerOutputter wrapping

Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2002-06-16

MSDN Integrator 1.0

A tools from Codejock Software, which has been updated for automatic MSDN documentation installation (Windows/VC++).

Used to integrate documentation generated by Doxygen with MSDN.

Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2002-04-18

CppUnit release 1.8.0

New in CppUnit 1.8.0:
- new assertions
- new facilities to write custom assertions
- new macros to define test case in your fixture
- registration of test fixture in named suite
- xml & compiler format test result output
- a new graphic test runner for the QT library
- MFC test runner window is resizable
- cppunit as a DLL
- Unicode support for MFC test runner.
- architecture clean-up: TestResultCollector extracted from TestResult.
- architecture clean-up: TestFixture extracted from TestCase.
- cookbook and documentation updated.

Posted by Baptiste Lepilleur 2002-04-11

CppUnit release 1.5.5

This release merges Baptiste Lepilleur's CppUnitW 1.2. CppUnit now supports Win32/MSVC++. It also includes a graphical TestRunner (Win32 only) and the extensions from Michael Feather's version.

Posted by Bastiaan Bakker 2001-05-10

CppUnit release 1.5.4

This release mainly merges submitted patches and small bug fixes. See Release Notes / Change Log for details.

Posted by Bastiaan Bakker 2001-04-15

CppUnit release 1.5.3

Major bug fixing.

Posted by Eric Sommerlade 2000-10-13

CppUnit release 1.5.2

The first packaged release.
HaveFunWithUnitTesting is included:
easy registration of test cases, no .h files needed!

Posted by Eric Sommerlade 2000-10-11

CppUnit Homepage is up

The regression testing framework for C++ is now hosted on Sourceforge.

Focus is ease of use and documentation, to make this tool usable for every unexperienced user.

Output will be in easily parseable formats for autmatic regression testing.

Posted by Eric Sommerlade 2000-10-06