
cpptools / News: Recent posts

English reviewer

Cpptools documentation was fully reviewed, thanks to Harry Glasgow (e-mail Of course, any remaining error is due to myself.

It will be available in release v0.1.7.

Posted by Eduardo Aguiar 2004-10-14

cpptools 0.1.6 released

This release introduces two improvements: was completely rewritten, and now correctly identifies numbers beginning with "."

Created which shows how compiler's lexical analyzer breaks a program into pieces (tokens)

I hope you enjoy.

Eduardo Aguiar

Posted by Eduardo Aguiar 2004-09-28

CVS repository

CVS repository will be no longer updated, due to performance (modem) reasons. I hope it will not be a problem, since every version goes with full source-code.

Posted by Eduardo Aguiar 2004-09-28

cpptools 0.1.5 released

This release introduces two new tools:

CppBinHierarchy scans library files (both .so and .a), object files and executable files to generate a graphic showing dependencies among them

CppComment scans source files and translates C comments to C++, C++ comments to C or replaces them to a single space (strip).

Posted by Eduardo Aguiar 2003-09-17

Cpptools' homepage

Thanks to Eduardo Costa, now we have a great homepage. Feel free to add suggestions and comments. Every bad english grammar are on me, and corrections would be very appreciated.

Posted by Eduardo Aguiar 2003-08-27

cpptools 0.1.4 released

This release features cpptools' manual in pdf and CppText which generates a C++ program to output textfiles. It is very useful to implement generators, CGIs and filters.

Posted by Eduardo Aguiar 2003-08-26

cpptools 0.1.3 released

This release features CppRename, our first refactoring tool. It renames identifiers' names (classes, functions, variables) while preserving comments andstrings from changing. CppGprof2Dot which generates execution call-tree for profiled executables were added. Some new minor features were added.

Posted by Eduardo Aguiar 2003-08-02

cpptools 0.1.2 released

Version 0.1.2 released. Check it out!

Posted by Eduardo Aguiar 2003-07-19