
#1 Support for Bundles


I may be wrong but it looks like the current cpanspec doesn't seem to do anything useful for Bundles (Bundle::InterchangeKitchenSink, for example), which are just .pm files with a list of Perl module names in them. It would be neat if:
1/ cpanspec generated a meta-RPM (i.e. an RPM that just contains Requires, no files) that requires all these modules if run on a tarball that contains just a bundle.
2/ cpanspec recursively built all the required Perl modules (i.e. --follow should support Bundles).
3/ cpanspec supported local Bundles, i.e. .pm files in ~/.cpan/Bundle (the same folder cpan puts autobundles in), i.e. you can enter "cpanspec --follow MyBundle"
4/ for embedded Bundles (the Bundle is just one of several Perl modules in a tarball) cpanspec added the modules listed in the Bundle to the requirements for the top level RPM. (I guess generating a meta-RPM for the Bundle and then adding that meta-RPM to the requires for the top-level RPM would be fine.)

AFAIK, ovid supports items 2 & 3, but not 1 or 4.


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