
CP Guitar Effect Proccessor / News: Recent posts

A brief update..

As a lot of you can probably tell, development has pretty much ceased on CP-GFX. However before time gets on too much, I'm willing to grant someone developer status for the project - so if anyone wishes to work on it, they may.

Just give me an email if you would like to do this -

Posted by Neil Richardson 2008-10-13

CP-GFX 0.1.2 Availible.

0.1.2 is now availible for download as binaries. As usual, the latest is always on SVN, if you pull that down you will find I have changed most of the typedefs now, this is actually for my benefit as I work on other projects, and I've changed CP-GFX to use what all my latest projects use. Don't worry this is a good thing :) the new typedefs are shorter.

Anyways, my next aim is to write an effect library, so loading and saving could become a reality rather than just a wish! This is mainly because I will soon be starting to use CP-GFX live. Wish my old laptop luck!

Posted by Neil Richardson 2006-12-05

CP-GFX 0.1.2, almost there.

Hey all, just thought I'd post some news about the next iteration of CP-GFX. You can grab the latest from SVN, although I'll be adding the files to SF soon enough for those who don't use SVN.
Whats new?

- DC Bias. Will ensure when you aren't playing, the audio will be brought as close to zero as possible. Is a touch flaky, but does the job in most circumstances if loads of distorsion is used.

- Fuzz. A fuzz effect which was programmed by following the Big Muff PI schematic as well as I knew how. I doubt it sounds much like it, but it can still be used for some great tones. Tried it on both bass and guitar, sounds pretty damned good on its own without any other effects stacked in. Have a play and give me some feedback as to what you think.... read more

Posted by Neil Richardson 2006-12-03

0.1.1 for Windows uploaded

Hey all, after a bit of thought I decided to move over to PortAudio for the Windows backend. This has improved (but not perfected) DirectSound support, which is still a bit glitchy at the best of times, but has ASIO working now. It is HIGHLY recommended you use the ASIO executable. Those without ASIO support in their sound card drivers can use ASIO4ALL, which is spot on performance wise.

Various other fixes include:... read more

Posted by Neil Richardson 2006-07-23

CP-GFX Win32 and ASIO

Had very little luck getting the Windows build to work particularly well with RTAudio or PortAudio with DirectSound, although I can say it now works with ASIO pretty well. For those without ASIO cards, check out , as this appears to be the best way to get low latency performance out of CP-GFX in Windows.

The ASIO binaries are up on SVN, and I will be sticking them up for download in the coming days with a few other tweaks and fixes.

Posted by Neil Richardson 2006-07-17

First release and Windows issue.

Well, the first release is up. There are known issues with it, but it's up there with the hope that people will help us pick out bugs.

The main issues are with the Windows build, mainly due to the lack of experienced Windows programmers on the team. We are currently looking for someone to help us improve the Windows version, as it is in dire need of an overhaul.

Posted by Neil Richardson 2006-07-15