
cozza / News: Recent posts

heavy coding and merging

Now we have stopped to commit on cvs, because of a coding/functionality test, that have lead us to a many tree revisions and modifications,but now we have something stable we are just thinking about a switch to subversion.
We working on first application too.

Join us!!

Posted by Domenico 2006-03-04

New graphical engine

starting a new graphical engine, objects based, where each objects embraces an html structure.
It's really different from other graphical level, just strongly inspired to a gtk graphical model.

It's just designed for programmers that come from application programming to web environment.

Posted by Domenico 2005-12-05

Muco subproject started

the new subproject aim to realize a Multi pUrpose Conversion envirOnment (so MUCO) now related to xml format. The frist step is formalization of the xml format, so read the forum and post some ideas.
Stay tuned!!!!

Posted by Domenico 2005-10-02