
Tree [c72e21] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 clist 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 conf 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 conv 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 edit 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 email 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 helpfiles 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 join 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 memo 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 misc 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 mod 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 nt_utils 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 parse 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 read 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 show 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 start 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 sysmgr 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 topic 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 util 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [c72e21] Fix static analyzer errors in cosylogin.c.
 .gitattributes 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [d0737a] Add .gitattributes to control line endings in n...
 AUTHORS 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 COPYING 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 Changelog 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 GDB.Commands 2001-08-12 Loren Wilton Loren Wilton [1cb2d6] This is the GDB command file used to get a stac...
 Makefile 2007-03-08 John Ralls John Ralls [978396] Forward from Mail: prompt now requires a messag...
 Nu.Profile 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 README 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 README-NT 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 clist.h 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 conf.h 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 defs3.h 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 extend.h 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 extern.h 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 funtypes.h 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 mkpath.h 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 msglist.c 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 msglist.h 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 ntmake.cmd 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 pathnames.h 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 tcosymain.c 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 topic.h 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.
 utils.h 2016-08-27 John Ralls John Ralls [2f36b9] Fix indentation and whitespace.

Read Me

This is TCoSy, a version of the CoSy discussion system written at the
University of Guelph in the early 1980's.  For some history, see the file

This software is copyright (c) The University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario,

This is Free Software, licensed under the GNU General Public License.  The
license is in the file "COPYING", in the root directory.  It is also
available on the World-Wide Web at


The instructions in this file are for building and installing on UNIX and
similar (eg, Linux) operating systems.  For information on building with
Microsoft Windows NT(TM), Windows 2000(TM), and Windows XP(TM), see the file

Portability Notes:  There are a few places where GNU glibc-specific library
functions are used.  They are commented with the label "Portability"; grep
on that to find them.  Otherwise the code is POSIX-1 compliant and should
build cleanly on any ELF or a.out POSIX system.  Some work may be required
to get a good build on Mach-O (eg., Darwin)or other systems.

There are a few things which you might want to change; they are almost all
in the root Makefile, which is heavily annotated with explanations.  There
is some defines which you might want to change in the file defs3.h:
INITIAL_PRIVILEGE sets the level for a newly-joined user when signup is run
from within CoSy.  (At least one service uses a separate Web program for
signing up users.  This is recommended for a pay service, as it facilitates
online payment.)  The default is PRIV_USER, which should work for most
ED_V, ED_Q, and ED_P define the command line strings of three editors which
can be used to edit text in the system.  See the note "Editors" below.

Once you have the defines in the Makefile set up, just execute the usual
to build the programs.
make install-new
will create the directory tree in the directory designated with INSTROOT and
copy the executables into the directory designated with BINDIR.
make install-upd
will just copy over the executables to BINDIR.

The best way to run tcosy is to set up a single user in /etc/passwd with
$BINDIR/tcosy as the default shell.  Users can then log on as that user
then proceed to log in to tcosy.

Once you have everything installed, create an administrative user through
whatever signup mechanism you have created, then manually edit the Password
file in that user's directory(if the user is called 'sysmgr' and the
                              default location is given for INSTROOT, the file will be
                                      / CoSy / users / s / sysmgr / Passwd) so that the number at the end of the line is

            You can now log in to tcosy as that user and begin to create conferences.
            There is a good user - level help system, but the help for System Managers and
            Moderators is a bit thin.  Just give the command "help" at any prompt for
                context - sensitive help.  "help" at the main(':') prompt gives you a good

                    EDITORS :
Devoted CoSy fans will notice that the traditional Quiet and Verbose editors
are not here.  The reason is that the CoSy team lifted that code out of a
book :
Kernighan and Plauger, "Software Tools in Pascal", Addison - Wesley
1981.  That means that Addison - Wesley owns the copyright and could sue
anyone distributing the code.  Including it here would taint the GPL status
of the rest of the program, so here it ain't.

The defaults in defs3.h include those editors.  Any plain-text, command-line
editor will work (the program feeds the editor a file to open, then re-reads
the file when the editor exits).  Be careful not to use an editor with a
shell escape, though, unless you really trust your users.  (The third
default, Pico, is an excellent choice.  It's a curses - based full screen
editor which is part of the Pine email package, from
http : // .

CoSy includes the ability to transfer files to / from one's scratchpad with a
compressed/error-checked/restartable protocols such as ZMODEM, XMODEM,
XMODEM-1K, YMODEM, KERMIT, etc.  These protocols are not included in this
package.  The lrzsz package (
works well for the ZMODEM family.