
Linux question

  • zod doddsen

    zod doddsen - 2002-06-21

    My costastats is now working just fine. The only problem still remaining is that I have to do the update by hand. Do anyone have a tip on how you get perl to execute in the crontab?? I have tryed something like this: 19 06 * * 6 /costa/perl -w  , but it does not work.

    • Daniel

      Daniel - 2002-06-24

      ffne unter deinem Benutzername den aktuellen crontab mit: crontab -e
      Nun kannst du ihn in vi editieren. Fge einfach eine neue Zeile hinzu: 30 4 * * 6 /costa/perl -w

      This means is executed every month, every week, every saturday at 4.30. (24h format).

    • zod doddsen

      zod doddsen - 2002-06-24

      My problem is not to edit my crontabs. The problem is that the perl command does not seem to  execute with the path in my example.

    • zod doddsen

      zod doddsen - 2002-06-25

      Fixed the problem my self! Had to edit the .pl files and change the path to the .xml files.

    • Tobias Rötschke

      What a nice idea, executing COSTA scripts automatically. I never thought about it, but it is very sensible. I will describe automatic execution of the scripts on the HOWTO page for both Windows and Linux


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