
#9 Game crashes #3


Game crashes after talking with somebody in bar. Sorry, I don't remember who it was, I'm trying to reproduce this error since then. I just know, that it was male character, and it was character related text (above ordinary question).

I'm playing game in Czech language. Log file is attached.

1 Attachments


  • Martin Banak

    Martin Banak - 2015-01-07

    So, game crashes after talking with Dan Stanford, when you ask him second question about Mark Smith. Game is crashing only with Czech localization, in English and German is all good.

    I'm attaching Czech files and screenshots.

  • Oliver Gantert

    Oliver Gantert - 2015-01-08

    Hm... I already replied some minutes ago but it seems it wasn't saved.
    Anyway, thank you for the report! I have downloaded the files and will try to reproduce the error, so it can be fixed with the next release.

    Are these the files of the Czech release of the game? May I upload them to our Sourceforge project? Would be nice to have them all here!

  • Oliver Gantert

    Oliver Gantert - 2015-01-08
    • status: open --> pending
    • Group: -->
  • Martin Banak

    Martin Banak - 2015-01-08

    Hmm, I did some more testing, and it seems, that it's not COSP issue. I think that, because I also have this issue, when I'm trying to reproduce it in DOSBox.

    But yes, files from my report belongs to Czech release of game. You can add them to site, for sure. I'm attaching complete package, also with DOS exe files.

  • Oliver Gantert

    Oliver Gantert - 2015-01-10
    • status: pending --> closed

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