
#10 Percentage missing


The percentage numbers are missing in my version.

1 Attachments


  • Oliver Gantert

    Oliver Gantert - 2015-03-24

    Which version are you playing?
    Welche Version ist das?

  • Huzelbub

    Huzelbub - 2015-09-19

    I have the same problem, tested with v0.4e and 0.4d. Percentages show on the initial planning screen but not in the dialogue (thinking, looking at objects etc.).

    When running in DosBOX the numbers are there.

  • Neno

    Neno - 2017-10-26

    Did anyone find a solution for this?

    It's actually even worse. The percentages are missing, but also the guard paths as well as the lines connecting the alarm systems with the secured objects. :(

    • Oliver Gantert

      Oliver Gantert - 2017-10-28

      I will look into the other two issues (guard paths and alarm connections missing) in the next days.

      • Neno

        Neno - 2017-10-29

        Thanks for your time, Oliver!

  • Oliver Gantert

    Oliver Gantert - 2017-10-28

    I fixed the missing percentage bug today with the release of version 0.4f.

    • Neno

      Neno - 2017-10-29

      Awesome - thanks, Oliver!

      btw - I noticed a strange behaviour with 0.4f. Right after starting a new game, It seems that Matt owns all cards that exist in the game. Not sure if this is a new/known issue.

  • Neno

    Neno - 2017-10-29

    ... and when planning, the list shows all accomplices from the game, not just the ones Matt offered a job.

  • Neno

    Neno - 2017-10-29

    ... ah, the cosp.cfg was modified in the .ZIP file for the 0.4f. After resetting it, the game works as expected. Thanks!

  • Oliver Gantert

    Oliver Gantert - 2017-10-29

    I fixed the bug regarding the missing lines for the guard paths and alarm system. This may also fix related glitches that have not yet been reported. Version 0.5 also introduces joystick support and we will soon be able to play the CDROM talkie version from HD. This feature already works but its implementation is still very experimental.

    • Neno

      Neno - 2017-10-29

      I can confirm guard paths and alarm system connections show correctly now. Thanks for your time, Oliver!

  • Oliver Gantert

    Oliver Gantert - 2017-10-29
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: -->
  • Huzelbub

    Huzelbub - 2017-10-29

    Great to see that the project is still progressing! Thank you Oliver!


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