
Tree [r2] /

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File Date Author Commit
 Documentation 2009-05-14 millerj6 [r1] This is a dump of all files from our old svn to...
 Game 2009-05-20 millerj6 [r2] Fixed game for Windows, adjusted Readme.
 OtherSourceFiles 2009-05-14 millerj6 [r1] This is a dump of all files from our old svn to...
 ReadMe.txt 2009-05-20 millerj6 [r2] Fixed game for Windows, adjusted Readme.

Read Me

Hello and thank you for downloading I'm Corvec.

To play the game, you must first install the following packages:
1. Python	2.6
2. PyOpenGL	3.0.0
3. Pygame	1.8.1
4. PyBluez	0.16
5. Numpy	1.3

If you are playing under Windows please be aware that the Wii Remote will only work with updated Bluetooth drivers.

To run the game, execute:
python Game/gui/

Documentation for how to play the games, as well as add your own games is located in the Documentation folder.

OtherSourceFiles contain work that was performed while creating I'm Corvec, but did not make it into the final application.

Good luck, and have fun.