
Install Issues

  • KentH

    KentH - 2012-10-23

    I am trying to get CorporateVault working in my existing Tomcat7 install.  I'd like to use MySQL for the back end but haven't really changed anything to do that since I can't get it to run at all yet.

    Warning, I'm in no way a Tomcat or Java expert, I'm a network/firewall kinda guy.

    I used the Tomcat WebApps manager to upload and deploy the corporatevault-0.6.7.war.
    Stop Tomcat.
    Dropped a copy of the hsqldb jar file into the Tomcat lib directory.
    I added this to the server.xml file for Tomcat
       <Resource name="jdbc/vaultds" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
    maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" driverClassName="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"
    url="jdbc:hsqldb:file:${catalina.home}/..hsqldb;shutdown=true" />
    Restart Tomcat

    I get:
    Unable to load specified config location : class path resource  cannot be opened because it does not existlog4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed.

    Any help would be appreciated including a pointer to install docs I couldn't find or …..

  • thpa13

    thpa13 - 2013-09-20

    Working on this at the moment and getting the same error, did you ever get it resolved ?


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