
Corendal DocSide 2.0 released

Corendal DocSide has been completely refactored to integrate natively with Active Directory. It also provides full-text indexing capabilities for PDF and Word documents.

Here is a summary of the other new features:

- Corendal DocSide uses the Apache Velocity templating engine for layout. You can easily customize the application to fit your corporate standards

- Users are automatically authenticated when they are logged on Windows inside the network.

- Corendal DocSide is compatible with MySQL 5.0 and Oracle 10g. It was developed for Tomcat, but it works with Oracle Application Server as well. At least Java 5.0 is required.

- Corendal DocSide can also use accounts in Lotus Notes, or local accounts and groups in a LDAP directory.

- The configuration of the application is entirely XML-based. The configuration is loaded at startup into an eXist XML database.

- Log4j is used for traces.

- The system administrator is notified by email when an email cannot be sent to a particular recipient.

- The system administrator can log in as any user.

- The CSS and JavaScript files can be customized outside of the development environment.

- Hibernate is used to connect to the databases.

- Corendal DocSide can be used through a HTTPS proxy.

Posted by Thierry Danard 2006-05-07

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