
CoreMP3 / News: Recent posts

Crawling Along

Development on CoreMP3 has come almost to a screeching halt. However, this project is not dead! I plan on working more actively on CoreMP3 than I have in the past, and I hope to get Beta 2 out the window within the month.

The latest CVS update features several bug fixes from Beta 1, so feel free to look at the changes

Posted by deemo 2006-01-02

CoreMP3 Beta 1

I hope to begin a public beta 1 test tomorrow, I will be releasing the windows exe, jar file, documentation, as well as source code.

Please post all bugs in the bug reports section. I hope to have several beta releases before the final .1 version is released

Posted by deemo 2005-10-26

New Developer

Congratulations to Tam Trieu, he has been added to our project as my co-developer. Tam has already greatly contributed to this project, and with his help, I plan on getting this first release out the window soon

Posted by deemo 2005-10-24

Progress Report

Progress has been kind of slow lately. The Tag Editor is giving me many problems. I have begun a branch of production using a different library, but thats not working out that well either.

If you would like to help, connect via CVS and email me with any changes

Posted by deemo 2005-10-15

Project has begun!

With hosting begun on sourceforge. CoreMP3 has begun full scale production. I expect the first alpha release to be complete sometime in the next few weeks, which will then undergo heavy testing by myself and several others. I will then be releasing an open beta version, for the general public to help me with fixes, suggestions, bugs, etc. Keep checking this site for more info!

Posted by deemo 2005-09-20