
CORE project management / News: Recent posts

The King is dead, hail to the new King...

Dear users, readers and developers.

As of now I no longer support core-lan-org. It was fun working on it and it was even more fun working with you all around the globe but the time has come for me to move on.

Lucky for you the successor of core-lan-org is out and is maintained by Andrew Simpson. It's a spinoff of core-lan-org but currently is has surpassed it's parent and is now mature enough to work on it's own.... read more

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2003-08-13

CORE APM 2.10 Beta released

We have release a beta for CORE APM 2.10.

This version includes the long awaited MySQL support, and bugfixes for previously reported problems.

Please test this release and note any bugs in the Sourceforge bug tracking system.

Note: Version 2.02 (and before) PostgreSQL databases need to be upgraded. See the UPGRADING file in the tarball.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-04-04

CORE APM 2.0 Released!

Hello world!

After months and months of waiting Core Apm 2.0 is now released. See the changelog for all the massive improvements.

Have fun with it :-)

The Core-lan-org developement crew.

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2002-09-28

Core-lan-org 2.0 RC1 in CVS

The CVS is now nearing maturity again and we are nearly ready to roll out core-lan-org 2.0. Check out the cvs/changes and please tell us what you think of it.

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2002-09-26

1.12 or 1.20 due for release


After the release of 1.10 and 1.11 we've recieved lots of usefull feadback, bug-alerts and tips on how to make it even better.

This will result in the 1.12 version being release. The CVS version is allready up-2-date but we're still waiting for some patches and code to arrive so that we can implement them all at once.

Depending on the features added we will release 1.12 or 1.20

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2002-06-12

ORG APM 1.10 released!

Advanced project management for workgroups. It has some very advanced features that allow persons to quickly see what has changed in between vists. It also emails persons and groups. Easy management, easy installation, easy for users.

Finally it's here :)

After months of delay org-apm got mature !

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2002-06-03

Core APM 1.10 to be released

Andrew and I are working to get version 1.10 out. This will fix all bugs and typo's we've encoutered.

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2002-05-29

Welcome Andrew Simpson

Andrew Simpson has fixed many of the language-bugs in the core-lan-org code. Furthermore he has fixed a LOAD of bugs and has (finally) fixed the contacts list.

CVS write access has therefore been granted and welcome aboard Andrew :)

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2002-05-29

CORE APM to have sucessor

For the last 2 months I've been designing, coding and recoding what will be the successor of the CORE APM.

It is split up into 2 parts, a librairy and a frontend. the new code is currently running beta in a helpdesk application for a school with 3500 students.

I will not release according to the GNU ideoligy (fast and early) but will release a final version. It remains to be seen if I will give out the source code to the frontend but the librairy is very likely to be GNU licenced.... read more

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2002-02-25


I'm in need of feedback. Please email me with the things you like, hate or generally want different.

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2002-02-02

Final version

Well with the fixing of the database bugs (I am very sorry that I didn't fix this before). CORE APM is finished.

The next version has no release schedule as other things (like earning a living and such :) have a higher priority now.

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2001-12-29


CORE APM will be continued far beyond what i've ever had in mind. Together with Dave I'm going to try to create a system that can do from networkplanning to gantt charts. In order to reach this we'll go from stable to developement again.

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2001-11-17

2nd developer ;)


Dave Cridland of RedWire Ltd. ( has joined the project group.

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2001-11-17

Release !

One day too late but hey it's there.

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2001-10-31

Upload for inital files

The initial files will be uploaded between 30-10-2001 and 1-11-2001

Posted by Dennis Fleurbaaij 2001-10-29