
Copter! / News: Recent posts

Copter! group establishes Democracy.

Getting a large project organised without a leader is nearly impossible. So we settled to Democracy. Our group has official guidelines, and just last night we ended our voting period for the seven leader positions.
Group Leaders are:
Chairman - Kai Schutte, Secretary - Peteris Krisjanis;
Main Developpers are:
Core Programming - Kai Schutte, Object Programming - Jey Kottalam, Terrain editor - Nicolay Ramm, Art Coordinator - Joel Lisenby, Webmaster - Joel Lisenby.
Further structuring is underway while we power up the data producing machines.

Posted by Kai Schutte 2000-06-23

Copter! Project Seeks Programmers and Artists

The Copter! Project is seeking 3D programmers, network programmers, 3D Modelers and general programmers. We are in *desperate* need of an OpenGL programmer to help with our 3D engine design and programming. General programmers are needed to help with sound, AI, etc.

The Copter! Project aims to create a game where the player is a helicopter pilot whose duties include: fighting fires, transporting police, assisting police in high speed chases, transporting injured people, getting video for news stations, search and rescue, and much more! Our design also allows us to make the player a policeman by only changing the code in the policeman to get input from the keyboard and mouse.... read more

Posted by Jey Kottalam 2000-04-13

Consultation needed - Game networking specialists and more

We need networking specialists, real life copter pilots :) and anyone else who wants join us and feel that he can help us.
Copter! will be civil copter simulation with possibility to extend everything with modules. Now we are discussing various game design issues - graphics, engine. Any 3d wizard? Come down to us too - we have several questions.

We are on mailing list or post message under Copter! forums.

Posted by Peter Krisho 2000-03-23

Help Wanted for Copter! project

We are seeking programmers, 3d modelers, and people with good ideas for the project! We would like to create a game similar to SimCopter, but more modular and extensible, and feature-filled. We aim to create a game that is completely modular, allowing for the user to become another character, such as a policeman, with a simple module. We also would like to have more and better missions than the original SimCopter. Out aim is to support as many platforms as we can, so porters are needed. Read more about our project at or our SourceForge Main page at

Posted by Jey Kottalam 2000-02-22

Copter! on SourceForge

I've just finished registering and setting up the Copter! project's SourceForge account. I encourage you to come check out our website at . Also come vote at our (slightly comical) poll at .

Posted by Jey Kottalam 2000-02-21