
COPL (Conventional Plaintext Language) / News: Recent posts

COPL 0.4.0 release fixed

Unfortunately the file copl-0.4.0.tar.gz that should have contained the COPL suite was corrupt. There's a new version of the copl-0.4.0.tar.gz online, now. It can be obtained from:

The copl-0.4.0.tar.gz contains the whole COPL suite: the COPL interpreter, the COPL cache and the CGI and PHP interfaces to COPL.

COPL, Conventional Plaintext Language, is a simple descriptive markup language. COPL converts plaintext to HTML.

Posted by chs 2005-10-13

COPL 0.4.0

The first version of COPL, the Convention Plaintext Language, has been released. COPL 0.4.0 contains the COPL interpreter 0.4, the COPL cache 0.3 and a COPL interface via CGi and one via PHP.

The COPL interpreter is the program which converts plain ASCII text into HTML code. The COPL cache creates temporary files out of already-converted COPL files and thus caches them. This speeds up COPL significant. The COPL interfaces in PHP and CGI offer ways to add COPL support to your webserver. The CGI interface does this a much cleaner way, but it requires a manipulation of the httpd.conf. Doing it via PHP is uglier, but might be useful on public hosters where one has no control about the webserver configuration.... read more

Posted by chs 2005-10-12