

Martin Riedl

CoocViewer: a graphical analysis tool for the purpose of quantitative literary analysis

CoocViewer is a tool to visualize co-occurrences and positional co-occurrences. A first demo is now available here and the according data model, consisting of 10 million sentences is available here. A more detailed installation instruction is found in the INSTALL.txt within the sourcecode in the svn.

  • Authors: Leonard Swiezinski, Martin Riedl, Chris Biemann
  • Funded by: DFG, Project "Am Tatort: Städtische Eigenlogik im Medium zeitgenössischer Kriminalliteratur", Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main; (Julika Griem / Janneke Rauscher)
  • Copyright: 2013, FG Language Technology, TU Darmstadt, Germany
  • License: Apache Software License 2.0

Citing the CoocViewer

Janneke Rauscher and Leonard Swiezinski and Martin Riedl and Chris Biemann (2013): Exploring Cities in Crime: Significant Concordance and Co-occurrence in Quantitative Literary Analysis. Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics for Literature Workshop at NAACL-HLT 2013, Atlanta, GA, USA

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