
Help wanted building DSP plugin for Windows Media Player 10

Convolver is project to build a DSP plug-in for Windows Media Player.that will read an impulse response (wave file) and convolves it with the input stream

Why would you want to do this? With a suitable impulse response generated by a tool such as DRC you will be able to play sound corrected for your room response. For more details, see Ed Wildgoose's Duff Room Correction site.

At this stage, the code is just Microsoft's Echo Sample, which is an adaptation of the default audio DSP plug-in generated by the Windows Media Player Plug-in Wizard.

All that it needs is to read in a .WAV file (the DirectX9 SDK has some code to do this) and convolve it with the playback stream. There are a number of Discrete Fast Fourier Transform packages out there capable of doing this. It all just needs to be brought together in an orderly way!

Posted by jrp 2005-05-21

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