
Convolutional Hashing Algorithm project begun!

This is an implementation of a new hashing algorithm. It was begun as a final project for a Harvard University course titled "Security, Privacy, and Usability" with Dr. Simson Garfinkel. The algorithm was designed by Chris Peikert (MIT) and Alon Rosen (Harvard). In light of the recent reported breaks of MD5, SHA-1 and other hashing functions, Peikert and Rosen have designed what they believe to be a PROVABLY collision-resistant hash algorithm based on worst-case assumptions on cyclic lattices. The algorithm is described in their paper: "Efficient Collision-Resistant Hashing from Worst-Case Assumptions on Cyclic Lattices."

It should be noted that this algorithm may be incorrect at this time. Once we have finished the unit testing and implemented a proper "combine" function, we will move it from "Pre-Alpha" to "Alpha." Once we have correctness, we'll worry about performance and usability.

Posted by Dan Sturtevant 2006-02-02

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