

Walter Lyrer

Converter Generator Features

  1. Recursive converter generation:

    • One big advantage of the Converter Generator is that it creates depending converters recursively when two beans with the same name in the FROM and TO class do not have the same class. Then another converter is created recursively to convert this bean.
  2. Way of converter integration:

    • The generated code can have one of three ways of integration you can choose from:
        • Converter classes are generated following the Singleton Pattern.
        • Converter classes are generated using Spring Dependency Injection with annotations @Component and @Autowired
        • Converter classes are generated using Spring Dependency Injection with annotations @Component, @Autowired. Additionally nested converters are referenced not directly. They are referenced over the IConverter (or IConverterThrowable) interface and a qualifier using the @Qualifier annotation.
  3. Generation of test classes:

    • For each generated converter a test class can be generated depending on the Testing Framework you choose.
      • TESTNG_6_8:
        • TestNG version 6.8 (tested). It is expected that it works with higher versions, too, but this is not tested. And maybe TestNG 5 works also but this is also not tested.
      • JUNIT_4:
        • JUnit version 4. It is expected that it works with higher versions, too, but this is not tested.
      • NONE:
        • No test classes are created
  4. Queryable result object

    • Each generation method returns a result object. The result object contains information which classes are created and which not due to already existing files and which classes are not generated due to errors.


Copyright by Walter Lyrer


The author cannot be made responsible for any damage caused by the Converter Generator.
The usage of the Converter Generator is on own risk.
The code is designed and implemented on best know-how and with good intensions by the author.
Especially is to mention that the generated code of the Converter Generator is not guaranteed to run instantly correct.
Manual supervision is necessary.


Walter Lyrer

Other projects from same author

Jacoge Java Generator Eclipse Plugin
Strategy/State Generator
Visitor Generator
Named Parameter Converter

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