
#37 Enhance Learned Signal decoding despite errors detected


In the Learned Signal tab of RMIR, it will give up in decoding if it finds any errors and mark it as "*** None ***". This is methodology is contradictory to IR.exe which is able to make matches despite errors. Please don't throw out the baby with the bathwater by ignoring the learned signal because there are errors.

This has been discussed in detail in the following thread,


  • Capn Trips

    Capn Trips - 2010-09-14

    Perhaps a more useful Headline/Summary could be used? It's hard to figure out what the request is about just by reading about babies and bathwater.

    Might I respectfully suggest something like: "Enhance Learned Signal decoding despite errors being detected" or some similar formulation.

  • eferz

    eferz - 2010-09-14
    • summary: Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. --> Enhance Learned Signal decoding despite errors being detecte
  • eferz

    eferz - 2010-09-14

    Thanks. Done. I couldn't think of a way to summarize that.

  • eferz

    eferz - 2010-09-14
    • summary: Enhance Learned Signal decoding despite errors being detecte --> Enhance Learned Signal decoding despite errors detected
  • Graham Dixon

    Graham Dixon - 2011-04-19
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mathsdon
  • Graham Dixon

    Graham Dixon - 2011-04-19

    This will be in v2.02 Alpha 2.


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