
Hello CloudForge(?)

I recently had to switch my revision control system here at SF from Subversion to Git, because of the ongoing problems with SF's SVN support. I always missed using SVN, which is nice, clean and simple to use when compared to Gi (read: fewer things go wrong per unit commit). Well, today I had a situation come up where I could not get Git to recognize a directory I wanted to commit, which resulted in my wasting a couple of hours and I never did find the solution to the problem. I eventually got frustrated enough that I started looking at other project-hosting websites, and I found one that seemed cool: CloudForge ( Just for the hell of it, I picked up a free 30-day trial membership and put together a new project for Controlix:

I haven't done much more than create an SVN repo and upload the code off the SF Git repo to it, but I got my SVN support back after eight months of using Git, and it felt pretty good. I may end up moving the whole house (Wiki, bugtracking, etc) to CloudForge, but in the meantime I should let people know that I will be committing new Controlix updates to the CF repo and not to SF.

Posted by Jon Taylor 2019-08-31

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