
Persist 0.5.0 Released

After toying with the idea of replacing Persist with another similar and more mature tool, I've decided to update Persist instead. This release of Persist is the first step in that direction. This version of Persist has a new mixed positional/named parameter syntax for the front and uses a named parameter syntax only in the backend.

This version also replaces the stupid and broken date support it had with the TIMESTAMP type with a much better date system based upon the DateTime package and ISO 8601.

Please note that Contentment 0.5.0 may not work with Persist 0.5.0--the version number equivalence is purely coincidental. I hope to have a release of Contentment 0.5.1 soon, which will provide support for Persist 0.5.0, but until then, I still recommend Persist 0.3.3 for Contentment 0.5.0.

Posted by Sterling Hanenkamp 2003-09-06

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