
Contentment 0.5.0/Persist 0.3.3 Released

This is an important milestone for the Contentment project. For the first time since the last major rewrite, there exists a working demo. The demo is a little stupid, but it's a start. I consider the basic core of the engine to be done. It will yet require some tweaking, but I don't see any major changes in the near future.

The Persist update is mostly to complement the changes made in Contentment and make it happy. There weren't any really big bugs in this release, but some aesthetic ones I wanted to fix.

With this release I'm beginning to contemplate how other contributors may help the project as it is starting to permit development on more than one or two components at a time. I'm still not sure how much control I'm yet will to give up, but I'm beginning to consider it more. If someone reading this is interested in helping, I'm definitely willing to entertain offers.

Posted by Sterling Hanenkamp 2003-08-09

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