
content2 / News: Recent posts

Enhanced rubriken (menu-items)

Menu-Items (Rubriken) do now (2013-01) contain a WYSIWYG-Field and a field to assign an image.

Posted by Rafael Kutscha 2013-01-21

Prepare content2 for your next update

The next version of content2 will contain a rollback to rebuild older versions of aricles. This feature needs a new table and an entry in the config-file. Detail information are available in our forum.

Posted by Rafael Kutscha 2009-05-19

content2 now contains a demopage!

Our "small and easy" cms content2 (PHP + MySQL) now contains a demopage. You are now able to create your own webpage without study our complete code - And if you need support, we will help you on our forum (on sourceforge).
Just try content2! It's free :-)

Posted by Rafael Kutscha 2009-05-11