
Installing 3.0.5 in Windows

The 3.0.5 installation in Windows isn't very intuitive for those who aren't accustomed to using Java's JVM, so I thought I'd post some general pointers until the new GUI installer comes out with ConsultComm 3.1:

To launch ConsultComm you have a few options:

1) Double-click on CsltComm.jar. This should work if you have Java2 installed on your system using Sun's Runtime Environment. Plugins using system libraries (i.e. the TimeOut plugin) may not work correctly.

2) Open up a command prompt, change into your installation directory (wherever you extracted ConsultComm into) and type in `javaw -Djava.library.path=syslibs -jar CsltComm.jar` from the command line.

The windows installation is a bit obtrusive at first glance, so version 3.1 is going to have a nice installer to launch everything. A beta version is available at and (assuming Sourceforge repairs their CVS servers) a version tested with Windows XP SP2 should be posted this weekend.

I hope that helps. Let me know if you run into any difficulties!

Posted by DeckerEgo 2004-08-15

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