
Difficulty with CMD and Startup Dir

Troy Weber
  • Troy Weber

    Troy Weber - 2015-08-19

    I have four tabs set up. One for regular CMD, one for Powershell, one for Cygwin, and one for iPython. I am having difficulty getting all four to respect my startup dir in the tab settings.

    They are set up as follows in the Console Settings > Tabs:

    Shell: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe -c '/bin/xhere /bin/bash'
    Startup dir: C:\Users\troyw

    Shell: %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
    Startup dir: C:\Users\troyw

    Shell: C:\Python34\Scripts\ipython.exe
    Startup dir: C:\Users\troyw

    Shell: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
    Startup dir: C:\Users\troyw

    Also, under Console Settings > Console, the Startup dir is set the same as all the tabs.

    When I have the Console Settings > Behavior > Sessions > Restore sessions checked, all of them seem to start in the directory C:\WINDOWS, even if I close the tab and reopen. Is this the intended functionality? Without it checked, however, Cygwin, Powershell, and iPython start where they are supposed to, but CMD still starts in C:\WINDOWS for some reason. Naturally, the easiest solution is to just not use CMD when you can do everything in Powershell that you can in CMD, but I guess I'm bothered by the principle of it.

    I used to be able to open CMD in the intended directory, but two things have changed since then: 1) I upgraded to Windows 10, and 2) I upgraded from the standalone binary to the installed binary with Windows Explorer integration (which actually works great with all the tabs including CMD). I'm running Console, for the record. Its only when I open CMD from the installed Console shortcut that
    CMD doesn't seem to go the the proper directory.

    I don't think this is a Console bug. I think it is a setting on my computer, but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this?


  • Simulator Hardware

    Thanks for the help its really helpful.


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