

Big Biggie
  • Big Biggie

    Big Biggie - 2004-07-08

    Wow!!! Console is sooo nice!!! :)

    I've been looking for a thing like this for years!!!! Thank you very much!!!! :)

    Maybe 2 suggestions (I think it has been asked before...):
    -tabbed console
    -ctrl+v to paste... (hotkeys?)

    thank you very much!!! :)

    • Marko Bozikovic

      Marko Bozikovic - 2004-07-12

      I'm glad you like it :)

      Tabbed interface will have to wait for v2
      Hotkeys will probably be added in v1.5 (I'm a bit busy right now, so no new developmenst in Console, summer is here :)

    • Rob Davenport

      Rob Davenport - 2004-07-22

      I've been playing with the Firefox browser the past week or so, and I never thought I'd like the tabbed interface, but now I love it - I open up links in new tabs all the time.

      Not sure how they'd work in Console though (for me anyway).  I use a virtual desktop / pager program from called "vern" to put my main apps on different desktops and switch between them (keeping the clutter down, on screen and on the taskbar).  I usually have a couple of Consoles open on different tabs (for different projects I'm compiling or working on, and a general utility one). 
      If there were tabs in Console I'd probably want just one Console and would then want it on all desktops.
      Easy enough but then I'd need to out of the way to work with the main app on that desktop and be able to bring it back quickly.  I'd think a hotkey to bring it forward would work. 
      That's easy enough with Windows PowerPro ( - it used to be but Microsoft bullied their webprovider into giving up the name because it had 'windows' in it.)  That tool can do an incredible number of things; I've only scratched the surface.
      But if you want hotkeys, Big Biggie, then check it out - you can configure whatever you want - and since Console responds to a bunch of window messages, I've got a toolbar that hangs out on top of my Console titlebars that has buttons for cut, copy, paste, launch IE and go to the Console web page, etc.  Check out Marko's docs for the messages it supports and which you can automate with hotkeys or buttons in Powerpro.

    • Atomhrt

      Atomhrt - 2004-07-31

      For a hotkey tool and somewhat related stuff, check out Things that you can do with a hotkey can be done with a mouse as well. You can hide/show windows, launch programs, configure a menu that runs in the systray or from any place you click, etc. This tool can do quite a bit of different things.

    • Ken Allen

      Ken Allen - 2004-10-10

      Heh, I was just about to post about AHK when I saw Atomhrt's post. I'm on the AHK boards as savage all the time. Nice to see I'm not the only one pimping AHK all over the place. It deserves more attention.

      I use Powerpro too.

    • Atomhrt

      Atomhrt - 2004-10-11

      Hi-ya, Ken! Yep, I'm always pushing Autohotkey. It has so many ways it can be used, and Chris is a VG programmer. I also post in alt.comp.freeware. A couple of us got it nominated for a spot on


    • Rob Davenport

      Rob Davenport - 2004-10-12

      Thanks for the heads-up on AHK.  It does look powerful - and is GPL'd. 

      I've used copernic's WinKey and now XKeymacs, but this might supplant that too.

      XKeymacs <> is a keyboard remapper type app like AHK but it's focus is providing Emacs-style keystrokes to all applications (that can handle them).  Since I use Emacs a lot, and many of the keystrokes there are hardwired into my hands, it's really nice to be able to use them in other apps instead of having to make a mistake by using the wrong cut/copy/paste/delete/etc. key sequence and then correcting it.

      It looks like AHK could provide the same thing - though possibly with more work to set up the same set of keystrokes (unless someone's already done that? he asked hopefully).  But it's certainly worth a look.  Thanks again!

    • Ken Allen

      Ken Allen - 2004-10-13

      I just had a weird idea. I wonder if I could use a thin Console and some AHK weirdness to make a sort of Vim normal mode for windows :p. It would basically be like my current setup (I use a little Console and a ton of 4NT aliases to run programs, open directories, search online and just about everything else) except with some additional hotkeys and stuff. I doubt the movement keys could be implemented, but it might be interesting to play with. I'll definitely play with XKeymacs though because I use Emacs for my java stuff at school.

    • Rob Davenport

      Rob Davenport - 2004-10-14

      Well, XKeymacs has to keep track of a state (whether or not Alt/Ctrl/Meta/C-x have been hit) to do different things, so I would think AHK could implement something similar to keep track of modes for a Vi-like environment.


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