
my 0.02 cents

  • m_snoby

    m_snoby - 2004-08-26

    Just wanted to drop a line and say that this is a great program.  I use it at work all the time.  At work I compile code in a bash shell on an XP machine.  I have one question and one comment.

    I have associated all batch files with console.exe so that  console will start my bash shell batch files.  Sometimes I create short cuts to these batch files.  Using the regular cmd.exe when I click on the short cut the title bar will display the name of the short cut, where as console.exe still will display the path.   Any advice from anyone?

    Now to my comment, Normally I will have two cmd windows up per project , and sometimes I can have open 3 to 4 projects, this gets crazy on my desktop ( I run virtual desktops to calm this down), however tabs in the next version of console would be a god sent!

    Thanks for the great software and if you need any help with future development drop me a line!


    • Atomhrt

      Atomhrt - 2004-08-26

      Regarding the short-cut title, one option would be to use  a modified xml file with <console title="ConsoleX">, for example.

      I also use quite a few console windows and 6 virtual desktops, with one desktop dedicated to only console windows. I have each console window with a fake transperency and very different tint colors to help me identify what window I am/was working on. I have a "batch" (perl really) launch all of my consoles, with each having it's own xml config file. I, at first assumed that a tabbed interface would help, but I am not so sure. I think that each tab, would have to be very descriptive for it to be helpful... Perhaps two lines of text would be enough.

    • Marko Bozikovic

      Marko Bozikovic - 2004-08-30

      I'm not sure if I understand the shortcuts problem, but I'll ty it out...

      There are many improvements planned for Console v2 (including tabs), but it's still far away... I have some other things going on right now...

      Please be patient :-)


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