
ConfiMM / News: Recent posts


after a long period of rework on ConfiMM I've finally released the 0.3 Version, but this is not all, i can proudly announce that there will be a next release in the next weeks...
Including some really great features... ( more ftp-accounts for one user, templates ( which make it possible to automaticly install and configure cms systems, phpmyAdmin and anything other ) and it will be possible to create those templates by urself ) AND maybe the most important "feature": ConfiMM will have a Design ;) ... read more

Posted by Markus Meissner 2004-07-29

Problem with CVS

yes it seems like there is a problem with the anonymous CVS, it simply won't work....

i gonna write an email to sourceforge later this day, to ask them what happend?!
sorry for that....

Posted by Markus Meissner 2003-11-20

Released 0.2.1

A new little release is upcoming,
a major feature is the mailinglistsupport,
and also there are some little bugfixes

Posted by Markus Meissner 2003-11-16

CVS for ConfiMM is up

you can now easily the confimm cvs version through the sourceforge cvs server:

cvs login

(leave the password empty)

cvs -z3 co confimm

have fun...

Posted by Markus Meissner 2003-11-14

CVS coming....

This weekend i gonna setz up the cvs, so everyone can get the latest cvs version from ConfiMM...
But please don't blame me for Problems with it, but if u find a bug, post it here or write me an email :)
markus (at) meissna (dot) de

Posted by Markus Meissner 2003-11-13

ConfiMM Version 0.2 RELEASED

I'm proud to release version 0.2 today... have fun and readthe big changelog if u wanna know what happend, and may participate with help on the multilanguage support

Posted by Markus Meissner 2003-11-01

Release was moved but now pending...

i decided to make more changes for the version 0.2, what means that it took and will take some more days until the next release...
I actually now fixed a lot of bugs and now starting to implent some important features like editing forms for domains, emails, popaccounts and so on.

I don't think that it will take a long to time until version 0.2...
you won't be disappointed

P.S.: there is a commercial product called confixx, i _underline_ that i have absolutly __nothing__ to do with this. (btw. it costs about 500euro)

Posted by Markus Meissner 2003-09-25

recommend recent versions of servers and tools

i recommend that u should have the latests releases from all the software you need, like mysql 4.x, apache 1.3x, postfix 2.0.xx, sed 4.xx and so on ....

there are some bugs reported wih some older versions of mysql or grep....

Posted by Markus Meissner 2003-09-08


there is a bug in the installation script:

the choosen Password in the confimm.conf is taken as Login and the other way around.
there is a really easy workaround, just open the database and edit the table "user". exchange the entries "name" and "password".

The bug will be killed in version 0.2 :)

Posted by Markus Meissner 2003-09-07

version 0.2 nearly completed

hey people, there will be a version 0.2 sooon....

just working on it, it will mainly improve the already impented features and include a lot of security fixes.

i.e. the reseller cannot give a away more webspace than he's allowed to, or the user cannot create more emails/pop-accounts/subdomains than he's allowed to, and so on....

bigger new implentations like traffic counting, webspace counting or webalizer functionality will be there in verson 0.3 or 0.4.... read more

Posted by Markus Meissner 2003-09-04

First release

Hello People,
yes, this is the first release of the ConfiMM Webserver Adminstration Suite.
This is a pre-alpha release that still has a lot of problems, but if u like a little adventure u can install it.
the ver.0.2 will be way better and will be out the next week or the next weeks ....

Posted by Markus Meissner 2003-09-01