
Recent Releases of WBEM-based Config Management

Believe it or not, development continues on the Config4GNU project, though at a very slow pace due to little time commitment. Since the last news posting, there have been multiple file releases of the WBEM-based config system, and various updates to the website. Development of the older, XML-based system has stagnated.

The file releases have consisted of:
* owperlprovider - a Perl provider interface for OpenWBEM -- this lets OpenWBEM run providers written in Perl
* config4gnu-wbem - various providers written in Perl... development has been started on providers for BIND, Nagios, and Samba
* cimbrowser - a front-end interface for configuration via WBEM

These releases are available as source-code downloads on SourceForge. See the accompanying Release Notes and Changes files for details on these releases.

The updates to the website include:
* screenshots of the new WBEM-based front-end, CIMBrowser
* installation guides for OpenWBEM, owperlprovider, config4gnu-wbem, and CIMBrowser
* an "about WBEM" document in the Documentation section, which describes the project's WBEM-related work

Posted by Jason Long 2005-03-08

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