
Config4GNU Making Progress

Config4GNU's various prototypes are coming nicely. The GTK GUI (see our screenshots) can now modify and save config files, and the core layer has some major improvements. We now have a PHP interface which is slightly less functional than the GTK UI. We've added a new developer and received various contributions. Overall, we've made significant progress since the last update and things seem to be right on schedule for finishing the alpha stage by the end of the year.

A minor administrative details to note is that our official project abbreviation is now CFG (not C4G as we had sometimes used previously).

We have added a large amount of documenation, including formal system requirements specification, a screenshot of a "wizard", and notes on our proposed coordination with the libconf project. We have also released version 1 of our XML spec and created a CFG API and internals reference. The documents are all available in the Documenation section of our website.

Various enhancements have been made to the CFG software over the past month. The parsers are now called on demand to do the translation between CFG XML and native config file formats. We now have parsers for resolvfile and flatfile formats, thanks to our new developer Greg Stoll. The GTK front end now uses libglade for its UI (thanks to Mark Stratman). The CFG core is capable saving configuration changes made by the UI. The GTK interface allows basic changes to be made and saved. Our PHP extension and PHP class have full read support and partial support for modifying configuration.

We're continuing to hammer out CFG's design and finalize APIs and XML specs. The next stage will involve creating revisions of these things and adding more features. Items which were are especially looking to implement in the next month are forms, widgets for different types of data, default values, better parsers, support for modules in our core layer, and do general improvements to existing code.

It is not too late to join the CFG project as a developer or to help out in any other way. If you are interested in assisting us, please contact either Jason or Justin and we will help you find something useful to add to our project.

Posted by Justin Yackoski 2013-04-17

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