
ComUnion ERP / News: Recent posts

Version .4 Alpha posted

Version 0.4 has been released since December. Feel free to download and give us feedback!

Posted by Jan Pabellon 2009-01-09

Version 0.3.0 Alpha Relerase

Still in Alpha release with new components and features added

1. New Components; Sales order processing with basic discounting and approval facility
2. New Components; Sales invoicing referencing to booked order and delivered transaction
3. New Components; Delivery receipt for inventory tracking based on approved orders
4. New Components; Official receipt with automatic check entry
5. New Components; Account receivables adjustment
6. Bug Fixed; Auto fill out company ID upon lost focus on password (login)... read more

Posted by Rowel Mapolon 2008-11-03

Alpha release posted

After several months of working on this project we have posted the first alpha release of ComUnion ERP! More details will be posted soon at

Posted by Jan Pabellon 2008-10-14