
Tree [05fc4e] main ComsatsGpaCalculatorv1.0 /

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File Date Author Commit
 GPACalculator$1.class 2024-04-03 Muhammad Hasnat Rasool Muhammad Hasnat Rasool [3410c2] Added Files
 GPACalculator$2.class 2024-04-03 Muhammad Hasnat Rasool Muhammad Hasnat Rasool [3410c2] Added Files
 GPACalculator.class 2024-04-03 Muhammad Hasnat Rasool Muhammad Hasnat Rasool [3410c2] Added Files 2024-04-03 Muhammad Hasnat Rasool Muhammad Hasnat Rasool [3410c2] Added Files
 GpaCalcu.jar 2024-04-03 Muhammad Hasnat Rasool Muhammad Hasnat Rasool [3410c2] Added Files 2024-04-04 allenbalan allenbalan [6312ee] Added 2024-04-03 Muhammad Hasnat Rasool Muhammad Hasnat Rasool [a2392c] Updated
 manifest.txt 2024-04-03 Muhammad Hasnat Rasool Muhammad Hasnat Rasool [3410c2] Added Files

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ComsatsGPA Calculator implementation in java in javaswing and awt!

This GPA Calculator is a Java Swing application that allows users to calculate their GPA based on course grades and credit hours. It provides a user-friendly interface to input course details and generates a GPA report that can be saved to a text file.

Screenshot of main interface

Screenshot (793)


  • Input student name and semester details.
  • Select the total number of courses to calculate GPA for.
  • Dynamically add course details including course name, credits, and grade.
  • Calculate GPA based on the entered grades and credits.
  • Save GPA calculation results to a text file.


  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone

Open the project in your preferred IDE.

Run the file to launch the application.

Enter student name, semester, and select the total number of courses.

Input course details including course name, credits, and grade for each course.

Click on the "Calculate GPA" button to view the calculated GPA.

Optionally, save the GPA calculation results to a text file by clicking on the "Save GPA Calculation" button.

Screenshot (793)

Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug fixes, or improvements, please fork the repository and create a pull request.

thankyou for reading !