
CompuCell3D / News: Recent posts

CompuCell3D-2.2.0 Released

New version of CompuCell3D with several new features:

* Support for irregular domains and an example benchmark for avian limb formation in the irregular domain
* Option for including an energy penalty for the domain boundaries
* Option for running a model without cell differentiation
* Moment of inertia calculations

Posted by Trevor Cickovski 2005-08-18

CompuCell3D 2.1.0 Released

CompuCell3D 2.1.0 New Features (January 2005)

* Compatibility with both Linux I686 and Win32 operating systems
* Tarballs for both source and binaries
* Scripts that allow for easy installation, compilation and execution
* Ability to enforce noflux and periodic boundary conditions on individual axes
* CompuCell3D downloads page at for complete and descriptive downloading instructions

Posted by Trevor Cickovski 2005-01-05