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HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit 2021-10-14 n1uro [r1] Initial commit
 compliment.html 2021-10-14 n1uro [r1] Initial commit 2021-10-14 n1uro [r1] Initial commit
 compliments.shtml 2021-10-14 n1uro [r1] Initial commit
 index.html 2021-10-14 n1uro [r1] Initial commit
 readme.txt 2021-10-14 n1uro [r1] Initial commit

Read Me

# Compliment                    Version 1.1                                  #
# Modified 2021 by Brian Rogers                                              #
Shortly after Jim released this to the public for free usage, some routines
were found to be easily exploitable. I literally sat on these for 20 years
before patching them and rewriting some of the html as well. I may even one
day convert it all to php. Time will tell. Would be good for a Compliments 2.0
Release - finally :)

My changes/modifications you need to concern yourself about:
1. edit compliments.shtml line 26 to point to your site's main page.
2. you must have server side includes available (ssi). If not those who
   complimented you won't be seen and the script will fail.
3. if you wish to receive an email notification that you received a signature
   set line 26 in to 1 otherwise 0 to shut them off.
4. edit line 31 to your sendmail (or similar) program. NO path just name.
5. edit line 36 to your email to receive notifications.
6. edit line 41 to who the sending user should be. You should be able to
   leave this one alone.
7. edit line 47 to point to your results page - default is compliments.shtml.
8. edit line 52 to 1 - keep the signatures list or 0 - do not keep the list.
   I suggest leaving it to 1.
9. change this to point to the full path of where your list will be stored.
10.edit line 84 to the path where your sendmail program is. If not your
   compliments may fail.
11.have lots of fun with this web toy :)

# Compliment                    Version 1.0                                  #
# Copyright 1998 Jim Reardon    
# COPYRIGHT NOTICE                                                           #
# Copyright 1998 Jim Reardon  All Rights Reserved.                           #
#                                                                            #
# Compliment may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so            #
# long as this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact.  By    #
# using this this code you agree to indemnify Jim Reardon from any liability #
# that might arise from it's use.                                            #
#                                                                            #
# Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is         #
# expressly forbidden.  You are not allowed to make any profit off of this   #
# program.                                                                   #
#                                                                            #
# This file can not be redistributed in any way, shape, or form              #
# without prior written consent from Jim Reardon.  If somebody wants         #
# the script, have them get it from my site.                                 #

This script lets users easily send in a good word to the webmaster or site
author, just by entering their E-mail address in a form and pressing enter.
No elaborate forms or the such.

File included in this script:
        1) compliment.html - The HTML code to use compliment (feel free to
        2) compliments.html - A sample HTML log file.
        3) - This does it all...
        4) readme.txt - This file (Installation information)
        5) top.jpg - A sample graphic for use with compliment.html
        6) bottom.jpg - A sample graphic for use with compliment.html
        7) - A library needed for this program.


A) Automatic.  Visit and
   answer a couple questions to receive a configured script.

B) Manual.  Edit and edit the variables listed.  Full
   descriptions are given for each variable needed to modify.


Copy and paste the code in compliment.html where you want the form to

       Copyright 1998 by Jim Reardon;