
How to role-restrict doctype in Payment?

  • lavino

    lavino - 2009-03-29

    In payment there is AR Receipt and AP Payment for doc type in Payment window.  If I have a new role called sales person and I want to restrict the role not allow to select AP Payment doc type in payment.  Is it possible?  How can I do that?

    Thanks in Advance

    • albert

      albert - 2009-03-30

      AD_VAL_RULE_ID :  149    
      NAME : C_DocType Payments/Receipts    
      CODE : C_DocType.DocBaseType IN ('ARR', 'APP')

      You need add widow for ARR and add window for APP

      then replace the code

      C_DocType Payments/Receipts    

      C_DocType.DocBaseType IN ('ARR', 'APP')

      IF YOU WANT Constraint Someone only can use APP

      C_DocType.DocBaseType = 'APP '

      IF YOU WANT Constraint Someone only can use ARR

      C_DocType.DocBaseType = 'ARR'

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      Skype: Adempiere/Compiere

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-03-31

      You could use the Role Data Access capability to exclude certain document types for a specific role.  Check out the Role Data Access section of the Security chapter of the online user manual:

    • albert

      albert - 2009-04-01


      DOCBASETYPE        VARCHAR2(3)

      can setting the DOCBASETYPE ...

      but your Payment operation ....


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