
Tree [0728f4] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 docu 2012-09-26 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [07f458] * [docu]: add wiki page
 tests 2010-08-10 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [ba1b41] * [core]: initial commit
 AUTHORS 2010-08-10 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [ba1b41] * [core]: initial commit
 COPYING 2010-08-10 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [ba1b41] * [core]: initial commit
 ChangeLog 2014-03-07 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [e0a2e4] * [docu]: update ChangeLog
 README 2015-02-05 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [4185a0] * [docu]: describe compiz --debug switch
 compicc.c 2016-12-08 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [0728f4] * [core]: update on geomentry changes 2014-05-08 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [ea2506] * [build]: update spec requirements
 compicc.xml 2010-08-24 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [fcfcda] * [build]: rename registration to compicc 2011-09-11 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [6c08f3] * [core]: rename net-color spec
 configure 2014-05-12 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [3b7764] * [conf]: bump to 0.8.10 2013-09-16 Petr Gajdos Petr Gajdos [b7a24a] * [conf]: xcm is present fix 2013-09-16 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [43b505] * [conf]: remove references to unused fltk tests
 plugin-compicc.svg 2011-01-28 Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann [825eb3] * [docu]: resize icon

Read Me


    The Compiz ICC colour server, or short compicc, lets you colour manage your
    whole desktop at once and in hardware. Play movies, watch images on wide or
    narrow gamut displays. Each connected monitor is colour corrected for its

    CompICC is written to help the many colour management unaware applications.
    It takes them off any decision, what to do around monitor profiles. To do 
    so CompICC does its work unquestioned. The result is a more consistent 

== Features ==

    CompICC uses Oyranos to configure the ICC profiles for each monitor.
    The order of monitor configuration inside Oyranos is, first look in the 
    Oyranos DB for a explicit configured ICC profile, if no then scan
    the installed ICC profiles for one matching the to be setup device, if not 
    generate on the fly from the monitors EDID data block, if not 
    try from the Xorg log and as a last means take sRGB, if not 
    fail miserably ;-)

    CompICC is a opt out colour correction mechanism. This means, CompICC does 
    its work unquestioned. This implicit style of colour management helps to 
    render a consistent desktop. Naive applications can continue to assume they
    are drawing in sRGB. sRGB is the standard colour space for the internet. 
    There are some applications, which want to do own colour corrections for 
    displaying large gamut photos, proofing or monitor calibration. Those need 
    to tell CompICC not to colour correct a certain region of their window to 
    do advanced colour management of their own. After updating these colour 
    management aware applications they will work the same as before. Without 
    updating to the X Color Management specification they see all monitors as 
    in sRGB, which is not wrong for most of them. Calibration tools need to 
    support the X Color Management specification to continue to work as 
    expected. The only workaround for them is to disable CompICC during 
    calibration and ICC profiling.

    git:  git:// (read-only)

    Compiz 0.8.x
    Oyranos colour management system >= 0.9.0

    libxml2-dev (if you want xml importing/exporting)

    oyranos-0.9.0 +

    (nouveau might need mesa-dri-drivers-experimental)

    (nouveau might need

    (nouveau might need libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental)

    $ ./configure
    $ make
    $ make install

    for a local build use:
    $ ./configure --plugindir=$HOME/.compiz/plugins --icondir=$HOME/.local/share/icons --regdir=$HOME/.compiz/metadata
    While that is nice for testing, For a regular installation compiz needs to
    see its plugins at starttime, typical registred with system wide ldconfig.

    The plugin is a library und should be in your library path during compiz
    start. For tests the following might be enough, after substituting the path:
    $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/my/libs compiz --replace ccp
    For normal start I found placing the used path in the system library path 
    the most relyable way. After substituting the paths name run as root:
    $ echo /path/to/my/libs > /etc/
    $ ldconfig
    The Oyranos and other libraries must be made visible to the library loader
    in the same way.

    Use ccsm to switch the plugin on. Its named Colour Management, but might be
    translated according to your locale settings.
    Advanced settiging can be activated by setting a root window
    Atom called _ICC_COLOR_DISPLAY_ADVANCED to "1". 
    Setting to "0" will nethertheless update the colour transformations in 
    $ xprop -root -format _ICC_COLOR_DISPLAY_ADVANCED 8s -set _ICC_COLOR_DISPLAY_ADVANCED  1

    The desktop colour server can apply proofing and out of gamut marking
    to the whole desktop, except the early colour bind regions, by activating
    the _ICC_COLOR_DISPLAY_ADVANCED atom. This is an very specialised feature. 
    Applications can be synchronised by the Oyranos settings.

    If the plugin is not visible in ccsm, make shure the icon and 
    registration file is visible to compiz' configuration manager.

    If its clear that the compicc plugin does not run after switching on or 
    crashes, look in the $HOME/.xsession-errors or similiar named log file.

    If CompIcc runs, but you are not shure if it works, then
    a good idea is to use qcmsevents or xprop to look for the
    _ICC_COLOR_DESKTOP atom. It should be present on the root window.
    $ xprop -root | grep _ICC_COLOR_DESKTOP
    A false colour profile is good for clear diagnostic:
    $ wget
    $ mv -v FakeBRG.icc ~/.local/shared/color/icc
    $ oyranos-monitor FakeBRG.icc
    As a result the monitor should swap colours.

    To report bugs you can run compiz with debug info on and send the log text:
    $ compiz --replace --debug ccp