
Compass Component Framework for PHP 5 / News: Recent posts

serious changes in CVS structure

The structure of CCF's CVS was changed. All abstract classes (core of the framework) are now placed in compass-classes module, concrete implementations were moved to compass-packages. The second module may be restructurized once more, so pay your attention to the changes in it.

Posted by Stanislav Shramko 2007-11-13

New commit

A large commit was occured today. Added new components (c_GeryEngineView, c_SmartyView, c_CreoleModel).

Posted by Stanislav Shramko 2007-07-13

Meet Compass/PHP5

Compass Component Framework (CCF) for PHP 5.1 and higher is a lightweight object-oriented library which allows to develop OO applications quickly, using wide-known patterns like MVC, FrontController and Injection of Control. The first file release includes the framework itself (version 0.2b) as well as API docs.

Posted by Stanislav Shramko 2007-07-05