
Tree [d940e8] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 src 2013-03-17 Muhammad Ichsan Muhammad Ichsan [d940e8] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://commonsimulator....
 .gitignore 2010-11-04 Muhammad Ichsan Muhammad Ichsan [dd672f] Fix: Packager now won't complain about missing ...
 CHANGELOG.txt 2011-05-14 Muhammad Ichsan Muhammad Ichsan [d7fb14] - New: Rotating resolver is implemented using t...
 LICENSE.txt 2010-10-12 Muhammad Ichsan Muhammad Ichsan [8dbb09] First commit
 README.txt 2011-05-14 Muhammad Ichsan Muhammad Ichsan [d7fb14] - New: Rotating resolver is implemented using t...
 pom.xml 2013-03-17 Muhammad Ichsan Muhammad Ichsan [d940e8] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://commonsimulator....

Read Me

This is a library to create simulator of peer which uses field base message like ISO-8583.

	- Response template can work with <echo> and <echo partial>
	- Request template with <counter>, <date:format>, <rotate:value 1|value 2> and <random:value 1|value 2>
    - Response can be delayed

To override value resolver, please override id.web.michsan.csimulator.Resolver and register it inside in your path.

For more information, read on

Can run on JVM > Java 5.