
TNT Kamikaze!

Zathrus Writer

TNT Kamikaze!

This is an event handling function made for fun. When a player is caught on fire or receives damage from an explosion, 2 things can happen to him. In case he's not carrying a TNT block with him, there will be nothing special going on.

But beware... if he DOES carry a TNT block with him, he'll be blasted to heavens (i.e. the TNT will explode with a magnitude of 1 TNT block) and his TNT block will be removed from the inventory.

There is a configurable option to insta-kill players when this occurs (even if they have full diamond armor, which would protect them well) or to bypass this even from occurring at all.


There are 2 config options added to accommodate TNT Kamikaze functionality:

  • kamikazeInstaKill - if set to true, player will be instantly killed when the TNT explosion occurs. Default: false
  • kamikazeTimeout - time (in seconds) after which TNT will explode in player's inventory from the moment they catch fire (or are effected by an explosion). Default: 3

How to remove this feature

Should there be a need to manually remove this feature from the JAR file, the following files must be removed: com/github/zathrus_writer/commandsex/handlers/Handler_tntkamikaze.class


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