
Chat Spy

Zathrus Writer

Chat Spy

This is an event handling function that monitors player chat and reveals all chat that wouldn't normally be shown to you. This way, you can become a master of your server, seeing everything from local chats to private messages!


There is 1 config options added which allows you to set which commands are used to send private messages:

  • privateMsgCommands - list of all commands that are used for private messaging, so CommandsEX can intercept them. IMPORTANT: PLEASE USE LOWERCASE LETTERS FOR THESE COMMANDS OR SPY MODE WILL NOT WORK FOR THEM! Default: [tell,msg]


  • Description: Activates chat spy mode, showing the player all chat messages - local and private included. Use again to deactivate spy mode.
  • Usage: /cex_spy
  • Permission node: cex.chatspy
  • Default permission: OP only
  • Aliases: spy
  • Location in JAR file: com/github/zathrus_writer/commandsex/commands/Command_cex_spy.class

How to remove this feature

Should there be a need to manually remove this feature from the JAR file, the following files must be removed:



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