
ComicViewer / News: Recent posts

Alpha 3 released

I forgot to post the news here when I released alpha 3 some days ago. Source-package is available in the "files" section, and as always a Java Web Start version is available on

Posted by Dag Viggo Lokřen 2004-03-17

Development moved

Today I moved all the development from SourceForge's CVS server to a SVN server. This is mostly because svn seems nice and I want to try it out.

See the homepage for info on how to check out a copy. (That info will be added Real Soon Now[tm])

Posted by Dag Viggo Lokřen 2004-03-11

Alpha 2 released

Today I finished my second alpha-version. New of this version is that the files that contains the description of how to get a comic is downloaded from the web.

In the settings-window you can see a list of all available comics, and you can activate just those you want to read.

Beware that this is still alpha-quality software, and it is nowhere near finished.

There is a Java Web Start version out on the homepage ( for those who want to try it out without the hassle of downloading and starting it from the command line.

Posted by Dag Viggo Lokřen 2004-02-01

Alpha 1 Released

After a few days of wrestling with the File Release System, I finally got out a release.

Keep in mind that this is an alpha, and is neither especially stable or easy to install/use :)

Posted by Dag Viggo Lokřen 2004-01-27

First import

The initial import of sources into CVS has happened. Rejoice! But beware, the code is still pretty rough as I never actually though anyone else would see it when i started programming :=)

Posted by Dag Viggo Lokřen 2004-01-25