Larry @ - 2007-10-18

I work for a community college. The open-source calendar we were using on our website to display events does not work on our new server, which uses PHP 5.1.6 and MySQL 5.0.22. I've been tasked to find a replacement open-source calendar.

I am interested in VCalendar, WebCalendar, PHP Calendar, and Comendar. In an upcoming presentation I would like to video project a web browser window and visit live examples of each of the calendars in actual use - not screen shots.

I am having a hard time finding public examples of Comendar calendars, despite numerous Google searches. Can anyone suggest some Comendar calendars that I can visit for my presentation?


Just as important - does Comendar work well with PHP 5 and MySQL 5? I have some experience with PHP, so if only some small changes are required to get Comendar running in such an environment, that's OK.

- Larry