
CombatAssistant / News: Recent posts

CombatAssistant 0.2.2 released

CombatAssitant 0.2.2 has been released on 2006-10-29. The new release provides some new features. The most important one is an improved handling of waiting characters, who's initiative is automatically decremented as the character waits.

The release also contains some ui improvements like different background colors, based on the effect type.

The build process has been changed. CombatAssistant now uses Maven 2 instead of Ant.

Posted by Alex 2006-10-29

CombatAssistant 0.1.4 released

CombatAssistant 0.1.4 has been released. This is the first release. The main features are:
- Round grid to organize the combat
- Intuitive UI with a lot of shortcuts to work fast
- Saving and loading of parties to save time retyping them

Posted by Alex 2006-10-07