
Port.WriteLine() truncates lines > c.100 long

  • brewmanz

    brewmanz - 2008-06-14

    I installed com0com 2.0 several weeks ago and it used to work until yesterday. No changes except maybe 'regular' WinXP updates. Now it truncates lines > about 100 chars. reboot changed nothing. I uninstalled 2.0, installed 2.1 and same problem.
    I have 4 pairs all set up identically:
    emuBR?  Y - N
    enBuOv? N - Y
    Plugin? N - N
    Excl?   Y - Y
    Hidden? N - N
    COM70-COM71 &
    COM60-COM6 (yes, I reduced 61 to 6 so my receiver can find it).
    I have a console app that opens o/p COM90 9600-N-1,COM80 9600-N-1,COM70 4800-N-1 & COM60 4800-N-1, then opens all enumerated ports, looks for GPS string (which it finds on COM5), then reads on COM5 and writelines 128 char string on COM90 & COM80, then length 300-ish strings on COM70 & COM60. The very first write to very first output port (COM90) is truncated to about 100 chars, as verified via Hyperterm. splitting string to <=90 chars and Write + final WriteLine works just fine, but is too slow :-(
    Opening steps:
                SerialPort result = new SerialPort();
                    result.PortName = aPortName; // "COM90" etc
                    result.NewLine = "\r\n";
                    result.ReadTimeout = 1200;
                    result.WriteTimeout = 100;
                    result.BaudRate = 9600; // or 4800
                    result.DataBits = 8;
                    result.Parity = Parity.None;
                    result.StopBits = StopBits.One;

    following code is work-around that works on writing:
            const int kMaxWriteLen = 90;
            private static void TransmitLineToPort(string aLine, SerialPort aPort)
                // problem with truncatd lines
                int pos = 0;
                string frag;
                while (pos < aLine.Length)
                    int fragLen = aLine.Length - pos;
                    if (fragLen > kMaxWriteLen)
                        fragLen = kMaxWriteLen;
                    frag = aLine.Substring(pos, fragLen);
                    pos += fragLen;
                    if (pos >= aLine.Length)

    I'm using C#/dotNet 2.0.50727 SP1/VS2005 Std Ed, on WinXP Pro SP3 on HP Compaq nx6125 notebook.

    Any ideas?


    • brewmanz

      brewmanz - 2008-06-15

      The Write Timeout seems important here - okay, maybe I changed that whilst trying to tune things. With Write T/O of 10 (rather than 100), only about 14 chars of each line get written, but there is no Timeout Exception raised - it is an insidious truncation. I'll raise the timeout to 1200 & see how it goes. I thought that with a 2K write buffer things would get written almost instantly.
      So, there's still a problem somewhere with writes only being slowly written into the write buffer.

    • Vyacheslav Frolov

      > but there is no Timeout Exception raised - it is an insidious truncation.

      At least it's raised with C++/dotNet 2.0.50727 (I'm not use C#).

      Try something like this:

           private static void TransmitLineToPort(string aLine, SerialPort aPort)
              catch (TimeoutException) {


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