
Simple application

  • Salrandazzo

    Salrandazzo - 2007-11-20

    Hi. I surfed this forum looking for advice, but with no result.
    I have this simple application:

    |------------------|               |--------------------|
    |                   |    TCP/IP     |                    |
    | program A  com140 |..............| com141  program B  |
    |                   |               |                    |
    |------------------|               |--------------------|
        computer A                            computer B

    Program A on computerA needs a virtual com port (COM140) to communicate with program B on computer B via an ethernet TCP/IP link and another virtual com port (COM141).

    1 - Is it possibile?
    2 - How to configurate the "com0com" driver and the "com2tcp" driver on both PC in order to get the desired result?

    The real application will use much more virtual com ports on both PC, but the important point is to understand how to start.

    Thank you so much for your attention.
    Salvatore Randazzo

    • Salrandazzo

      Salrandazzo - 2007-11-20

      I'm sorry. In my previous post I tried to draw a little schematic of my application but I see that it doesn't show in the appropriate way (blank spaces are cutted off). I hope that you can understand it anyway.

    • Salrandazzo

      Salrandazzo - 2007-11-20

      More details, if someone wants to help me understanding how to set-up the application.

      Computer A

      IP address: (
      Program A uses COM140.
      COM140 it's not a physical port, it's a virtual port to be defined with com0com driver.

      Computer B

      IP address: (
      Program B uses COM141.
      COM141 it's not a physical port, it's a virtual port to be defined with com0com driver.

      Program A on computer A communicates via serial port COM140 and via TCP/IP (using com2tcp utility) with Program B on computer B, that uses serial port COM141.

      How to setup com2tcp on both computers in order to have Computer A to communicate with Computer B?

      Thank you so much.

    • Vyacheslav Frolov

      Computer B

      1. Launch the Setup Command Prompt shortcut and install
         COM141 <-> CNCB0 port pair, for example:

           command> uninstall
           command> install PortName=COM141 -

      2. Start the com2tcp.exe on CNCB0 port in server mode,
         for example:

           com2tcp \\.\CNCB0 4321

      Computer A

      1. Launch the Setup Command Prompt shortcut and install
         COM140 <-> CNCB0 port pair, for example:

           command> uninstall
           command> install PortName=COM140 -

      2. Start the com2tcp.exe on CNCB0 port in server mode,
         for example:

           com2tcp \\.\CNCB0 4321

      • Salrandazzo

        Salrandazzo - 2007-11-21

        Thank you so much. I tried it and it works properly with Hyperterminal on both sides.


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