
Can't share physical COMport using hub4com

  • Otto

    Otto - 2010-03-08

    Physical COMport on one computer driving hardware.  Two virtual COMports on second computer, both accessing said hardware (though not simultaneously).

    On Physical COMport computer, COMport is redirected to TCP port 43212
    com2tcp-rfc2217 COM5 43212

    On Virtual COMPort computer,
    COM2-CNCB3 pair defined by com0com
    COM5-CNCB0 pair defined by com0com
    CNCA4-CNCB4 pair defined by com0com
    … all with emulate baud rate and buffer overrun ON
    then I try to hub COM2 and COM5
    hub4com -bi-route=0:2 -bi-route=1:2  -no-default-fc-route=0,1,2:0,1,2 \\.\CNCB3 \\.\CNCB0 \\.\CNCA4
    and then redirect CNCA4 to TCP port 43212
    com2tcp-rfc2217 \\.\CNCB4 43212

    and it doesn't work.  No data passes.  I've tried many different flow-control routings in the hub4com options with no change in result.

    IF I remove the hub4com bit and connect one application (via com2tcp) to the physical COMport everything works fine.  So TCP redirection and null-modem emulation are fine.

    Maybe this will help debug the problem:
    With no hub4com (working connection),
    …no application active, RTS=DTR=TD=RD=Low, all others undefined
    …application active, RTS=DTR=High, TD=Low, all others undefined
    Note that all my applications assert RTS as a means of powering interface electronics attached to the physical COMport.
    With hub4com enabled, (not working connection), I get RTS=DTR=High and TD=Low, just like if my application were active…but it's not.  Merely activating hub4com flips RTS and DTR.
    I've tried moving the hub4com instance to the Physical COMport computer and it has the same behaviour.

    Either I've missed something really elementary (likely), or hub4com isn't supposed to allow you to share a physical COM port, although the example GPS receiver certainly makes it seem like this should work.

    Thanks for your attention,

  • Vyacheslav Frolov

    Try with -octs=off option.

    Possible you need more complex config to transfer RTS/DTR between ports.
    You can get template for your config as described in ReadMe.txt "FAQs & HOWTOs".


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